The Cimetiere du Pere Lachaise is one of the most beautiful, historic, and well known cemeteries in the world. It has been called the 'grandest address in Paris', and it's famous residents run the gamut from Oscar Wilde to Max Ernst to Edith Piaf and Jim Morrison (Frommer's Guide.)

Thanks to Artifica Solutions Multimedia, you can tour this beautiful cemetery online. The site has an elegant and easy to use interface combining a photo tour that is reminiscent of, but much nicer than, google earth, along with a map, and gallery shots of notable monuments and landmarks. The photos are crisp and beautiful. They all seem to be shot in the springtime with sunlight streaming through the trees, and there are many breathtaking 360 degree panoramas.

Visit the virtual tour at http://www.pere-lachaise.com/ it's a lovely way to spend an afternoon. Don't forget your picnic lunch.
Wow this is fantastic! I really appreciate you sharing. Now all I need is money to fly there, but this is perfect while I wait in awe.
What makes the tour very interesting is the fact that it's done virtually. I actually learned a lot about that place.
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